"Solar Eclipses are supercharged, extremely powerful New Moons that happen when the Sun and the Moon meet in proximity to the Lunar Nodes, points of destiny, karma, and fate. Two to three times a year, these events bring a wave of renewal and renovation into our lives, opening the doors to a new reality and facilitating quantum leaps and sudden breakthroughs. Solar Eclipses also remind us that confusion, disorientation, and chaos often precede clarity: they invite us to deepen our introspection and encourage us to come back to alignment before continuing to move forward. Â
Eclipse season is always a time of unpredictability, quantum leaps, and unexpected shifts of fate. Twice a year, Eclipses remind us of how small we are in the grand scheme of things and how mysteriously Divine Intelligence works.
This event brings to completion a journey we have been through since the South Node entered the sign in July 2023 and represents both the beginning of a new chapter of our lives and the end of a cycle. The Sun, the Moon, and Black Moon Lilith are also conjunct with Mercury in Libra and square Mars in Cancer. The conjunction with Mercury emphasizes the need to embrace a new way of thinking about relationships and communicating in relationships. This aspect is an opportunity to recognize what needs to change in our thinking patterns, expectations, and communication to break free of dysfunctional cycles and create the connections we aspire to experience.
 The square to Mars in Cancer highlights the tension between the pull of the past, familiar ways of forming attachments and relationships, and the desire to create new patterns and habits. This configuration underlines the effort it takes to heal childhood wounds in such a way that allows us to have different kinds of relationships, ultimately bringing awareness to the inner work necessary to move toward emotional maturity.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra begins another six-month journey of transformation of our relationships and how we show up in them. This event is an opportunity to get clear about our needs and desires and about what needs to change in ourselves to manifest the relationships we aspire to have.
When Eclipses happen on the South Node, they require a purge of the old to make space for the new: they show us what patterns need to be released and what needs to change within ourselves to have different experiences. This event is an opportunity for us to acknowledge what habits we need to release and how we need to heal in order to break cycles of dysfunction, compulsion, and suffering" - Nina from Moon Omens
Notice what has been coming up for you?
Are there themes to the relationship issues you've been having? Are there repeating experiences or phrases?
What is triggering you?
Allow yourself to see the reflections being shown to you.
Love yourself, forgive yourself, allow yourself the grace to change, to alchemize the survival skills of the past into the tools and skills you need now to build the life you want.
You are a powerful cocreator of your life.
When you stop being a victim of your circumstance, your past defense mechanisms, and your habits, you are able to choose better for yourself. You choose from your intuition, your gut. You choose your soul's path.
How do you make choices? From what place within you? Get out of your head and into your emotions.
Feel your way into balance. Love yourself enough to care for yourself, to choose from a deep inner place of balance, worth, and compassion.
It's time to wake up,
It's time to release behaviors and
habits of the past that keep us in unbalanced relationships.
Cooperation and Collaboration,
Balance, Harmony,
Self-love, Self-Compassion,
Relations that heal and honor
each person's needs and worth.
This is your chance to release, to detox, to clean out
the debris of choosing others over self,
of choosing peace keeping over speaking up,
of knowing what you need and how to
 value yourself and sharing your authentic expression.
Sit quietly in nature, or in front of an altar, or wherever you can find space, peace, and inner reflection.
Just Be.
With yourself.
You are enough just as you are.
Release anything you no longer need.
Release all that no longer serves.
Receive insight, grounding, love.
Here’s some additional details about the powerful energies activating this time of great change for us.
The annular solar eclipse of the New Moon on October 2 is the Aries-Libra series. (The Aries Libra series eclipse dates: April 19,2023, October 14, 2023, March 24, 2024, April 8, 2024, October 2, 2024, and March 29, 2025).
The Virgo-Pisces series starts Sept 17, 2024 and has an additional 6 eclipse dates, with the last one being February 20, 2027.
But what does this mean?
The eclipse’s activate the North and South Node.
The South Node represents what we are carrying, what we are holding on to, what we are growing out of. The North Node is what we are here for, what we are moving towards, where our evolution is guiding us.
Where the nodes are in your personal chart have to do with your deepest lessons and soul’s path.
The signs the Nodes flavor our experiences and challenges and
what is showing up for us.
The Aries-Libra series highlights our growth edge of authentic
self-expression and balanced relationships.
The Virgo-Pisces axis is about grounding in present daily choices
and mystical dreamy emotions.
Virgo is embodied doing.
Pisces is mystical being.
Our next Eclipse theme is coming.
We won't have these me-we Aries/Libra themes again until 2033.
Take a few minutes to intend to make the most of this time.
The South Node finishes it's journey through Libra in January 2025.
Allow this eclipse to instigate the changes you need in your relationships to be more aligned with your soul.
Written with so much love,